Vitacid tretinoína 0,25mg e estou super animada com os resultados!

"E aí, pessoal! ☀️✨ Hoje venho compartilhar com vocês uma novidade na minha rotina de skincare. Comecei a usar o Vitacid tretinoína 0,25mg e estou super animada com os resultados! Quem é dos anos 80 sabe: sol era sinônimo de diversão! ️ Mas, infelizmente, naquela época não tínhamos a consciência que temos hoje sobre os danos do sol na pele.   Resultado? Muita pele castigada pelo sol, com melasma e sinais de fotoenvelhecimento.  Agora, com o Vitacid, espero conseguir amenizar esses danos e recuperar um pouco da minha pele.  Afinal, quem não quer uma pele mais saudável e rejuvenescida?  Vou compartilhar com vocês a minha experiência e os resultados por aqui. #vitacid #tretinoína #cuidadoscomapele #pele #beleza #antienvelhecimento #melasma #anos80" "Oi, gente! ☀️ Hoje quero falar sobre um assunto que me interessa muito: cuidados com a pele!  Quem aí, assim como eu, abusou do sol na ju...

Brazilian Chocolate Truffle (Brigadeiro)

brigadeiroI can’t express how excited I am about this recipe. Growing up in Brazil this is the one dessert I ate the most. It is served in every birthday party and special occasion. Originally, it is called Brigadeiro and it is made by mixing sweetened condensed milk, butter and powder chocolate. It is a kind of bonbon or chocolate truffle, soft in texture and usually rolled into balls and covered in granulated chocolate. It is also used as a topping or filling for cakes, brownies and other pastries

I have always missed eating this treat and I honestly thought I would never eat it again. After giving it some thought I decided to make a paleo, low carb and refined sugar free version of these delicious brazilian treats.
I have to say I succeeded in my attempt and I came up with a healthy version of it, made with coconut milk, a little honey, grass fed butter and raw unsweetened cacao powder. I wish all my Brazilian friends were in my kitchen and could smell it while I was making it. It smelled exactly the same!

The secret to it was to make my own condensed milk. This is a lengthy step and took about 2 hours. The other thing important mentioning is that is it really hard to tell when the Brigadeiro is ready, especially this Paleo friendly version.
Here is a picture of my dairy free and sugar free condensed milk when I removed it from the stove, about 2 hours later. It had a thick consistency and the color was a little more yellowish



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